Sunday, March 21, 2010

Messages in Water prooven scientifically correct and on Tamiflu - Big Pharma does it again.

Dr. Emoto (Messages In Water) proven scientifically correct in double blind study.

The discovery of Dr. Emoto that became public knowledge after his studies were shown in the movie The Secret, was proven to be scientific fact after scientists did a double blind study on the effect that intention has on the formation of water crystals. For those unfamiliar with the study it means, very shortly, that if you change your intention it can have a very beneficial, or devastating, effect on your body.

Tamiflu anti-viral drug revealed as a complete hoax; Roche studies based on scientific fraud.

Big Pharma trying to patent nature all over again. The drug giant Roche has been caught red handed again in defrauding the public by patenting a Chinese herbal medicine for profit. The catch is though they have been using only certain elements bio-engineered from the traditional herb and this has severe medical risks for the unsuspecting sick patient.
What should REALLY make you worry is the fact that the FDA made Roche print the following on the leaflets of the drug: "Tamiflu has not been proven to have a positive impact on the potential consequences (such as hospitalizations, mortality, or economic impact) of seasonal, avian, or pandemic influenza."

See for detailed on the last two articles.

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